JKSSB Deffered CBT Exams for various posts.

JKSSB Deffered CBT Exams fro various exams.

JKSSB Deffered CBT Exams for various posts.

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has announced the deferment of computer-based exams for various posts that were scheduled to be held from 16th March 2023 to 5th April 2023. This decision was taken due to the ongoing controversy over the allocation of the tender for conducting the exams to a blacklisted company, Aptech. The announcement was made by JKSSB in a tweet.

The aspirants who were protesting against the allocation of the tender to Aptech are relieved and happy with this decision. They view it as their first success in the ongoing battle to ensure a fair and transparent examination process. The students are hopeful that the authorities will take necessary steps to ensure a level playing field for all aspirants.